

11月29日刘沛清 / 郭昊报告预告


报告题目:Aeroacoustic experimental study on landing gears and high liftdevices in D5 wind tunnel





The aerodynamic noise is a problem ofmodern large aircrafts, especially during takeoff, approach and landing stages.The airframe noise can be generally categorized into two components, namely thehigh-lift device noise and the landing gear noise. The noise generationmechanisms and the radiation characteristics are different from each other,such that the corresponding noise reduction methods are different. Recently,the 30P30N high-lift airfoil and the LAGOON simplified nose landing gear areexperimental tested in D5 aeroacoustic wind tunnel at Beihang University,aiming at revealing the noise generation mechanisms and far-field noisefeatures of these airframe components. Furthermore, some noise reductiontreatments and fundamental cavity noise are also presented.


Prof. Liu is the director of KeyLaboratory of Aero-Acoustics (Beihang University), Ministry of Industry andInformation Technology. He graduated from Tsinghua University and obtained hisPh.D degree in 1995 and worked inBeihang University from 1997 to present time.The main research interests of Dr. Liu include applied aerodynamics, propellerdesign complex flow control and Aeroacoustics. He has published more than 100journal papers.

Dr. Guo is currently an AssociateProfessor at Beihang University in China. He obtained his B.Eng. in StructuralEngineering in 1997 from Peking University, China; and earned his Ph.D degree inPhysics from the ChineseUniversity of Hong Kong in 2007, Hong Kong. He joinedthe Institute of Fluid Mechanics at Beihang University in 2008 as an AssistantProfessor. Dr. Guo’s research interestsinclude turbulent thermal convection, wall turbulent flows, flow control,aeroacoustics, etc. He has published more than 20 SCI journal papers.