

11月29日Cyrille BREARD报告预告


报告题目:Aircraft noise during aircraft development from design to entry ofservice: achievements and needs

主讲人:Cyrille BREARD




Aircraft noise development program involves highly integratedsystem from diverse disciplines such as weight, propulsion, structure, stress,aerodynamic, avionics, flight control, etc… And aircraft noise is, withoutdoubt, no exception to it. From aircraft system perspectives, noise control anddesign guideline must be included in the design phase as early as possible inorder to reach aircraft noise requirements. The different requirements definedthe early design phase provide a conventional breakdown of the work packagethat must blend into the organization. The presentation will focus on the newachievements at COMAC for different programs. Then needs in aeracoustics withinindustrial perspectives will be presented.


Cyrille Breard is currently holding the position of C919 programNoise & Emission Manager at Shanghai Aircraft Design and Research Institute(SADRI), the product development branch of Commercial Aircraft Corporation ofChina, Ltd (COMAC).Main development activities cover community noise, cabincomfort, ramp noise and sonic fatigue as well as emission. And top of hisresponsibilities, he is extremely involved in broad activities across thecompany, such as marketing research, flight test center, risk management,system requirements, organization change. He provides technical advices toChina member during Civil Aviation Environmental Protection meeting under ICAOfor noise and emission.

In 2012, he was awarded by the Recruitment Program of GlobalExperts (Thousand Talents Program) from CPC Central Organization Department. InSeptember 2012, he received the National Friendship Award from the Chinesegovernment. In 2013, he was awarded for his outstanding performance at COMAC.He regularly advises and shares his proposal with State Administration ofForeigner Experts Affair. (SAFEA), which is an administrative agency of theState Council of the People's Republic of China responsible for certifyingforeign experts to provide expertise in mainland China.