

流体力学教育部重点实验室学术报告1-丹麦科技大学Valery Okulovji教授


Development and retrospect of classical rotor theories

Valery L. Okulov

Department of Wind Energy, Technical University of Denmark,

DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark



报告摘要:The development of rotor aerodynamics (screw propeller, propeller, wind turbine, helicopter, etc.) has always been associated with an intensive development of the appropriate branch of industry. The first attempt concerning the steamship navigation using screw propellers should results to the one-dimensional momentum theory of the screw propeller, called also the one-dimensional slim-stream or actuator disc theory by Rankine and Froude. The second era in the development, made by the scientific schools of Joukowsky and Prandtl, was motivated by creation and intensive evolution of aviation. At that time the researches resulted in a development of the blade element momentum (BEM) theory to design rotor blades; in a creation of the general momentum theory of the actuator disc and in a formulation of a new vortex concept of rotor. The current development of the rotor aerodynamics is undoubtedly associated with the rapid progress of wind energy.

报告人简介:Prof. Valery Okulov works in DTU, Denmark more than 10 years but before that he worked long time in Institute of Thermophysics, SB RAS, Russia. He obtained his degrees of D.Sc. (1994) and PhD (1985) in Fluid Dynamics. His research area is focused on aerodynamic and acoustic of turbo machines and wind turbines; hydrodynamics and physical processes in swirl flows; vortex dynamic, resonances and hydrodynamics instability in power-engineering devices. His scientific works are awarded diplomas and prizes: JSPS invitation fellowships (Japan), Diploma of TsAGI, Medal of G.I. Petrov for outstanding results in hydrodynamical stability and turbulence, Diploma of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstanding scientific results, Otto Mønsted professorships (Denmark), Fellowship for young D.Sc. granted by the President of the Russian Federation etc.