





报告摘要:The aim of the present examination is to obtain a betterunderstanding of the wake formations and interactions between wind turbines inwind farms. Two main differences in the wake behavior for the disk-disk and therotor-rotor systems were found: the wake intensity grows for the dual disks incomparison with the single one, but in contrast to this, wake intensity behindthe dual rotor system is smaller than the one behind a single rotor. Thesedifferences may be explained by an influence of the rotor tip vortices whichare absent in the disk-disk model. The present retesting of the near and farwake data should provide an evidence of this conclusion.


Prof. Valery Okulovworks in DTU, Denmark more than 10 years but before that he worked long time inInstitute of Thermophysics, SB RAS, Russia. He obtained his degrees of D.Sc.(1994) and PhD (1985) in Fluid Dynamics. His research area is focused onaerodynamic and acoustic of turbo machines and wind turbines; hydrodynamics andphysical processes in swirl flows; vortex dynamic, resonances and hydrodynamicsinstability in power-engineering devices. His scientific works are awardeddiplomas and prizes: JSPS invitation fellowships (Japan), Diploma of TsAGI,Medal of G.I. Petrov for outstanding results in hydrodynamical stability andturbulence, Diploma of the Russian Academy of Sciences for outstandingscientific results, Otto Mønsted professorships (Denmark), Fellowship for youngD.Sc. granted by the President of the Russian Federation etc.