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Pan chong


Chong Pan

Associated Professor

Institute of Fluid Mechanics

Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics

XueYuan Road No.37, HaiDian District, Beijing, China

Date of Birth: Nov 1980

Gender: Male

Phone:86-10-82338069-3 86-13261930500

Email: [email protected]


Flat-plate boundary layer transition; Shear layer instability; Turbulent structure;

Low dimensional reduction of wall turbulence


9/2003-6/2009Ph.D., School of Aeronautic Science and Engineering, Beihang University,

9/1998-7/2002B. Sc., Department of Aircraft Design and Applied Mechanics, Beihang University, Beijing, China


10/2009-present Lecture, Institute of Fluid Mechanics, Beihang University, Beijing, China

4/2013-4/2014 Visiting Scientist, Melbourne University, Australia


Fundamental Aerodynamics, for undergraduates (National Quality Curriculum of China)

Theory and Application of Mechanical Measurement Technique,for undergraduates

Experimental Fluid Dynamics,for foreign postgraduates


Member of Chinese Aerodynamics Research Society;

Commissaryof the Youth Committee of The Chinese Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics


Nomination for National Excellent Doctoral Dissertations of China in 2011

Research Project

1. 2017-2020, ‘Experimental investigation of effect of discrete roughness on the flow structure of wall-bounded turbulence’, PI, USD150,000, supported by National Science Foundation of China;

2. 2013-2017, ‘Analysis of the dynamical modes of the instability and transition of backward- facing-step flow’, PI, USD120,000, supported by National Science Foundation of China;

3. 2015-2019, ‘Turbulent structure and dynamical mechanisms of wind-blown sand movement at high Reynolds number’, key participant, USD1,000,000, supported by National Science Foundation of China as Major Program.

Cooperative Research

1. 2014-present,‘Instabilities of Wing-Tip Vortices and control’, with Professor Y. S. Kachanov and Prof. Valmdir Borodulin, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia.

2. 2007-2010, 'Evolution of coherent structures in later stage of boundary layer transition', with Professor Y. S. Kachanov, Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia.

3. 2009-2012, 'Stagnation vortex pairs before an axi-symmetric disk flow', with Professor Kwing-so Choi, University of Nottingham, UK.


Journal Papers

1. Jianjie Wang, Chong Pan, Qingsong Zhang, Tian Li, 2017, Regulating the near-wall velocity statistics in a turbulent boundary layer via discrete surface roughness, submitted toAIAA Journal.

2. Wang, W. K.,Pan, C.*, Qi, G., Wang, J. J., 2017, Revisiting the Spanwise Spacing of Low-speed Streaks in a Turbulent Boundary Layer, Journal of Fluid Mechanics (in revision).

3. Deng, S. C.,Pan, C.*, Wang, J. J., He, G. S., 2018, On the Spatial Organization of Hairpin Packets in a Turbulent Boundary Layer at low-to-moderate Reynolds number,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, DOI: 10.1017/jfm.2018.160.

4. Wang, W. K.,Pan, C.*, Wang, J. J., 2018, Quasi-Bivariate Variational Mode Decomposition as a Tool of Scale Analysis in Wall-bounded Turbulence,Experiment in Fluids, 59(1), DOI: 10.1007/S00348-017-2450-7.

5. Deng, S. C., Pan, C.*, Wang, J. J., Rinoshika, A., 2017, POD Analysis of the Instability Mode of a Low-Speed Streak in a Laminar Boundary Layer,Acta Mechanica Sinica, DOI 10.1007/s10409-017-0681-8.

6. He, G. S., Wang, J. J.*,Pan, C., Feng, L. H., Gao, Q., Rinoshika A., 2017, Vortex dynamics for flow over a circular cylinder in proximity to a wall,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812: 698-720.

7. Qu, Y., Wang, J. J.*, Sun, M., Feng, L. H.,Pan, C., Gao, Q. and He, G. S., 2017, Wake vortex evolution of square cylinder with a slot synthetic jet positioned at the rear surface.Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 812: 940-965.

8. Pan, C., Wang, J. J., Wang, J. J.*, Sun, M.,2017, Dynamics of an unsteady stagnation vortical flow via Dynamic Mode Decomposition analysis,Experiments in Fluids, 57(21): 1-20.

9. Wang Z. Y., Gao, Q.*, Pan, C., Feng, L. H., & Wang, J. J., 2017, Imaginary particle tracking accelerometry based on time-resolved velocity fields, Experiments in Fluids, 58(9), 113.

10. He, G. S.,Pan, C., Feng, L. H., Gao, Q., Wang, J. J.*, 2016, Evolution of Lagrangian coherent structures in a cylinder-wake disturbed flat plate boundary layer.Journal of Fluid Mechanics792: 274-306. 

11. Pan, C., Xue, D., Xu, Y., Wang, J. J.*, and Wei, R. J.,2015, Evaluating the accuracy performance of Lucas-Kanade algorithm in the circumstance of PIV application,Sci China-Phys MechAstron, 58:104704.

12. Ma, L., Feng, L.,Pan, C., Gao, Q., & Wang, J. J.*, 2015, Fourier mode decomposition of PIV data.Science China Technological Sciences, 58(11): 1935-1948.

13. Pan, C.,Xue, D., Wang, J. J.*, 2015, On the accuracy of dynamic mode decomposition in estimating instability of wave packet.Experiments in Fluids, 56(8), 1-15.

14. Shen, J. Q.,Pan, C*., Wang, J. J., Yi, H. M., and Li, T., 2015, Reynolds-Number Dependency of Boundary-Layer Transition Location on Stratospheric Airship Model,Journal of Aircraft, 52:1355-1359.

15. Zhang X.,Pan C.*, Shen J. Q., and Wang J. J., 2015, Effect of surface roughness element on near wall turbulence with zero-pressure gradient.Sci China-Phys MechAstron, 58(6): 064702.

16. Deng, S. C.,Pan, C.*, Wang J. J., 2014, Dynamics of low-speed streak evolution and interaction in laminar boundary layer.Acta Mechanica Sinica, 30(5):636–645. 

17. Shen J Q,Pan C*, Wang J J. Accurate measurement of wall skin friction by single-pixel ensemble correlation.Sci China-Phys MechAstron, 2014, 57: 1352−1362. 

18. Hu Y,Pan C., Wang J. J.*, 2014, Vortex structure for flow over a heaving cylinder with a flexible tail.Experiments in Fluids, 55: 1682.

19. He, G. S.,C. Pan*, and J. J. Wang, 2013, Dynamics of vortical structures in cylinder/wall interaction with moderate gap ratio,Journal of Fluids and Structures, 43: 100-109. 

20. Jinjun Wang*,Chong Pan, Kwing-so Choi, Lei Gao, Qi-Xiang Lian, 2013, Formation, growth and instability of vortex pairs in an axi-symmetric stagnation flow,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 725: 681-708.

21. Chong Pan, Hongping Wang, Jinjun Wang*, 2013, Phase identification of quasi-periodic flow measured by particle image velocimetry with a low sampling rate,Measurement Science& Technology, 24:055305

22. Guosheng He, Jinjun Wang*,Chong Pan, 2013, Initial growth of disturbance in the boundary layer influenced by a circular cylinder wake,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 718: 116-130.

23. Huang Cheng,Chong Pan, Jinjun Wang*, 2013,Effects of sinusoidal leading edge on delta wing performance and mechanism,Science in China: Technological Sciences, 3:772-779. 

24. Chong Pan, Jinjun Wang, Guosheng He, 2012, Experimental investigation of wake-induced bypass transition control by surface roughness,Chinese Physics Letters, 29 (10): 104704.

25. Jun Wu,Chong Pan*, Tian Li, 2012, Experimental investigation on coherent structures at early stage of boundary layer bypass transition induced by wake impingement,Science in China: Technological Sciences, 55 (11): 2981–2989. 

26. Chong Pan, Dongsheng Yu, Jinjun Wang, 2011, Dynamical mode decomposition of Gurney flap wake flow,Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 1, 012002 (Best paper of the year).

27. Feng, Li-Hao, Jin-Jun Wang*, andChong Pan, 2011, Proper orthogonal decomposition analysis of vortex dynamics of a circular cylinder under synthetic jet control,Physics of Fluid, 23:014106.

28. Cao Zhang,Chong Pan, Jinjun Wang*, 2011, Evolution of vortex structure in boundary layer transition induced by roughness elements,Experiment in Fluids, 51(5): 1343-1352.

29. Jinjun Wang*, Cao Zhang,Chong Pan, 2010, Effects of roughness elements on bypass transition induced by a circular cylinder wake,Journal of Visualization, 14(1), 53-61.

30. H Guo, V. I. Borodulin, Y. S. Kachanov*,C, Pan, J. J. Wang, Q. X. Lian, S. F. Wang, 2010, Nature of sweep and ejection events in transitional and turbulent boundary layers,Journal of Turbulence, 11(34), 1-51.

31. Lihao Feng, Jinjun Wang*,Chong Pan, 2010, Effect of novel synthetic jet on wake vortex shedding modes of a circular cylinder,Journal of Fluids and Structures, 26, 900-917.

32. Chong Pan, Jinjun Wang, Cao Zhang, 2009, Identification of Lagrangian coherent structures in the turbulent boundary layer,Science in China: Physics mechanics and astronomy, 52(2):248-257.

33. Jinjun Wang*,Chong Pan, Panfeng Zhang, 2009, On the instability and reproduction mechanism of a laminar streak,Journal of Turbulence, Vol. 10, No. 26.

34. Chong Pan, JinJun Wang*, Panfeng Zhang, Lihao Feng, 2008, Coherent structures in by-pass transition induced by a cylinder wake,Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2008, 603: 367-389.

Conference Papers

1. Zhu H. Y., Pan C., Liang Y. R., Wang J. J. Experimental investigation of sand streamers in wind-sand turbulence, 10th International Symposium on Measurement Techniques for Multiphase Flow, 2017, Dec, Hong Kong, China.

2. Wang J. J., Pan C., Wang J. J. and Li T. Structure alternation induced by discrete surface roughness in a turbulent boundary layer. The 12th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, 2017, June, Busan, Korea

3. Wang W. K., Pan C. & Wang J. J. Decomposition of multi-scale coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer by variational mode decomposition, 16th European Turbulence Conference,2017, August, Stockholm, Sweden

4. 潘翀*,王晋军,何国胜,自由涡流引起的边界层旁路转捩机理与控制,北京力学会第22届学术年会, 2016.1.9,北京交通大学(邀请报告)

5. Xu, Y., Pan, C.*, Wang J. J., Rolling up of Large-scale Laminar Vortex Ring from Synthetic Jet Impinging onto a Wall, American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics 68th Annual Meeting, Nov, 2015, Boston, Massachuseets, USA.

6. He, G. S., Pan, C., Gao, Q., Feng, L. H., Wang, J. J.*, Investigation of Lagrangian Coherent Structures in a Wake-InducedBoundary Layer Transition, The 15th European Turbulence Conference, Aug, 2015, Delft, The Netherland.

7. Xue, D., Pan, C., Wang, J. J., Borodulin, V. I., Kachanov, Y. S., He, W., Theofilis, V., Instability of wing-tip vortices and their quantitative studies by means of visualization, The 13thAsian Symposium on Visualization, June, 2015, Novosibirsk, Russia. (Invited talk).

8. Pan, C., Wang, J. J.*, Lagrangian-based Visualization of Stagnation Vortex Pair, The 13th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Jun, 2015, Novosirbisk, Russia.

9. Shen, J.Q.、Pan, C.、*Wang, J.J.,Sublimation and LDV Investigation of the Boundary Layer Transition on a Stratospheric Airship Model at Different Reynolds Numbers, The 13th Asian Symposium on Visualization, Jun, 2015, Novosirbisk, Russia.

10. Pan, C., Wang, J. J., Zhou, N., Wang, J. J.*,Regularization of wall-wall turbulence by discrete roughness element, The 7thInternational Conference on Fluid Mechanics, May, 2015, Qingdao, China.

11. Pan, C.,Wang, J.J.Passive Control of Near-Wall Turbulence By Means of Roughness Elements.IUTAM Symposium on the Dynamics of Extreme Events Influenced by Climate Change, Sep, 2013, Lanzhou, China.

12. Wang, H.P.,Pan, C.,Wang, J.J.Error analysis on the phase identification method specialized for low-sample-rate PIV measurement. The 12th Asian Symposium on Visualization(ASV12).Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, TAIWAN; 2013.  

13. Deng, S.C.,Pan, C.,Wang, J.J.Visualization of Low-speed Streaks Evolution in Laminar Boundary Layer. The 12th Asian Symposium on Visualization (ASV12).Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, TAIWAN; 2013.

14. Wang Jinjun, Pan Chong, Choi Kwing-so, Dynamics of Stagnation Vortex Pair induced by Upstream Non-uniformity, 2012 Joint ERCOFTAC/PLASMAERO Workshop, Dec 9-12, 2012, Toulouse, France.

15. Chong Pan, Jinjun Wang, Experimental investigation on later transition stage of laminar streak, 23rd International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, August 19-24, 2012, Beijing, China.

16. Chong Pan, Jinjun Wang, Cao Zhang, Effects of surface roughness on coherent structures in Wake-induced Boundary layer Transition, 8th International Symposium on Particle Image Velocimetry, August 25-28, 2009, Melbourne, Australia.

17. Chong Pan, JinJun Wang, Panfeng Zhang, Lihao Feng, Visualization on hairpin- like structures in boundary layer transition induced by a cylinder wake, The 9th Asian Symposium on Visualization, June, 2007, Hong Kong.

18. Wang, J. J.,Pan, C., Guo, H., Lian, X. Q., Borodulin, V. I., and Kachanov, Y. S., Sweep and Ejection Events in Transitional Boundary Layer: Synchronous Visualization and Spatial Reconstruction, Proceedings of the XI International Conference on Methods of Aerophysical Research, 2007, Novosibirsk, Russia.

19. Chong Pan, JinJun Wang, Kang Wu, Experimental Investigation on the boundary layer coherent structures induced by spanwise wake vortex, The 8th International Symposium on Fluid Control Measurement and Visualization, August, 2005, Cheng Du, China.

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