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Wang lixin
Wang Lixin

Male, born in March 1965, Professor and doctoral supervisor of aircraft design and flight dynamics in School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering Technology in Beihang University . He received the B.Sc and M.Sc degree majored in aircraft design and flight mechanics from Nanjing Univ. Aero. & Astro. in 1985 and 1988 respectively, and the Ph.D degree in flight mechanics from Beijing Univ. Aero. & Astro. in 1991.From Mar. 1994 to Mar. 1995, he was won the STA Fellowship held by Science and Tech. Agency of Japan, and did his visiting research work in Flight Research Div., National Aerospace Lab, Tokyo , Japan . He finished independently the research program of autopilot design for aircraft takeoff and landing in windshear, as well as the flight simulator test research for the design. From Oct. 1996 to Sept. 1999, he was the Depute Director of Aircraft Tech., Bureau of Science and Tech., AVIC. He was responsible for the research programs of aircraft design tech., such as flight mechanics, key design tech. of UAV, key design tech. of fight-bomber and so on. From Sept. 1999 to May 2003, he was the Director of Civil Aircraft Tech., Dept. Science and Tech. Development, AVICⅠ. He was responsible for the research programs of key design tech. of civil aircraft and transport aircraft, Super-863 research program, development of new 70-seat regional jet program, flight mechanics research program, etc.

Many completed research project held by him won the science and technology progress prize of AVIC and AVICⅠ. He publishes near 60 research papers in international and domestic academic journals, and gave presentations in International Council of Aerospace Science, Japanese Society of Aerospace Science Symposium and other international conferences. He is the vice chairman of editorial committee of Flight Dynamics journal and member of editorial committee of Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, part-time professor in Nanjing Univ. Aero. & Astro., Northwestern Polytechnic Univ. and Nanchang College of Aeronautic Industry.

Research Area of Interest:

? General design technology of aircraft.

? Dynamic feature analysis and flight control design of new concept configuration aircraft.

? Dynamic feature analysis and flight safety problem of civil aircraft.

? Applied research of advanced control theory in aircraft control design.

Bionic flight dynamics.

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