Wang Xiaojun
Professor, Ph.D Supervisor
Research direction:
Computational Mechanics, Structural Reliability, Structural Damage Identification and Health Monitoring, Structural Loads Identification, Uncertainty Problems in Mechanics, Structural Dynamics
Tel: 86-10-82313658(O), 13693643900
Fax: 86-10-82328501
Email: [email protected]
Office: New Main Building C920, Beihang University
Mailing address: Institute of Solid Mechanics, Beihang University
Zip Code: 100191
Personal Resume:
Wang Xiaojun, male, was born in 1978. He received his Bachelor degree of Mechanics in Department of Mathematics, Hebei University in July 2001. He received his Ph.D degree of Solid Mechanics in Beihang University in April 2006. He finished his postdoctoral research in Department of Aircraft in Beihang University in May 2006 - April 2008. He became an associate professor in institute of solid mechanics School of Aeronautical Science and Engineering in Beihang University In July 2011, he was approved the qualifications for the doctor supervisor in major of solid mechanics.
Research projects and academic achievement
He was responseful for a National Natural Science Foundation Project, a National Defense Basic Research Project, a Special Research Foundation for Doctoral Academic of Colleges and Universities project, a China Postdoctoral Science Foundation project, and more than ten national defense projects. He won Second Prize for Natural Science Award from Ministry of Education in 2008, won "Beihang University Outstanding post-doctoral" in 2007, and got Blue Sky Rookie award of Beihang University in 2008. Has published one Monograph and are publishing two monographs. More than 70 articles are published in domestic and foreign famous magazine, such as 《Journal of Applied Mechanics》,《International Journal of Solids and Structures》,《Journal of Sound and Vibration》,《Acta Mechanica》,《Communications in Numerical Methods in Engineering》,《Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics》and《Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica》. 27 papers were recorded by SCI library and 43 papers were recorded by EI library. Research achivements are approved by peers, and his papers were cited by more than 200 times (included 143 times by SCI). Representative monographs and papers include:
[1] Qiu Zhiping, Wang Xiaojun. convex set theory approach for structural mechanics problems. Beijing: Science Press, April 2008.
[2] Qiu Zhiping, Wang Xiaojun. Aircraft structural strength analysis and design basis. Beijing: Beihang Press, 2011,(publishing)
[3] Qiu Zhiping, Wang Xiaojun. Finite Element Method in Aeronautics and Astronautics. Beijing: Beihang Press, 2011,(publishing)
[4] Wang X J, Wang L. Uncertainty Quantification and Propagation Analysis of Structures Based on the Measurement Data. Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2011, 54: 2725-2735.
[5] Wang X J, Wang L, Elishakoff I and Qiu Z P. Probability and Convexity Concepts Are Not Antagonistic. Acta Mechanica, 2011: 1-20.
[6] Wang X J, Elishakoff I, Qiu Z P and Kou C H. Non-probabilistic Methods for Natural Frequency and Buckling Load of Composite Plate Based on the Experimental Data. Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, 2011, 39: 83-99.
[7] Wang X J, Yang H F and Qiu Z P. Interval Analysis Method for Damage Identification of Structures. AIAA Journal, 2010, 48(6): 1108-1116.
[8] Qiu Z P, Wang X J and Li Z. Post-buckling Analysis of a Thin Stiffened Plate with Uncertain Initial Deflection via Interval Analysis. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 2009, 44(10): 1031-1038.
[9] Qiu Z P and Wang X J. Structural anti-optimization with interval design parameters. Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization, 2010, 41(3), 397-406.
[10] Qiu Z P, Ma L H and Wang X J. Unified form for static displacement, dynamic response and natural frequency analysis based on convex models. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2009, 33(10): 3836-3847.
[11] Wang X J, Elishakoff I, Qiu Z P and Kou C H. Hybrid Theoretical, Experimental and Numerical Study of Vibration and Buckling of Composite Shells with Scatter in Elastic Moduli. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009, 46(13): 2539-2546.
[12] Wang X J and Qiu Z P. Non-Probabilistic Interval Reliability Analysis of Wing Flutter. AIAA Journal, 2009, 47(3): 743-748.
[13] Wang X J, Elishakoff I, Qiu Z P and Ma L H. Comparisons of Probabilistic and Two Non-Probabilistic Methods for Uncertain Imperfection Sensitivity of a Column on a Non-Linear Mixed Quadratic-Cubic Foundation. ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2009, 76(1): 0110071~0110078.
[14] Qiu Z P and Wang X J. Vertex Solution Theorem for the Upper and Lower Bounds on the Dynamic Response of Structures with Uncertain-But-Bounded Parameters. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2009, 25(3): 367-379.
[15] Qiu Z P, Wang X J and Zhang X. Parallel computing for static response analysis of structures with uncertain-but-bounded parameters. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2008, 21(5): 1-11.
[16] Qiu Z P , Ma L H and Wang X J. Non-probabilistic interval analysis method for dynamic response analysis of nonlinear systems with uncertainty. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 319: 531-540.
[17] Wang X J, Elishakoff I and Qiu Z P. Experimental Data Have to Decide Which of the Non-Probabilistic Uncertainty Descriptions — Convex Modeling or Interval Analysis — to Utilize. ASME-Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2008, 75(4): 0410181~0410188.
[18] Wang X J, Qiu Z P and Elishakoff I. Non-Probabilistic Set-Theoretic Model for Structural Safety Measure. Acta Mechanica, 2008, 198(1-2): 51-64.
[19] Wang X J and Qiu Z P. Interval Finite Element Analysis of Wing Flutter. Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 2008, 21(2): 134-140.
Teaching work:
Graduate courses:《Advanced numerical techniques in Aeronautics Engineering》, 《Introduction to Aircraft Noise》
Undergraduate courses:《Finite Element Method in Structural Analysis》、《Elasticity》、《Curriculum Design》