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Lu Zixing

Lu Zixing is a professor and doctoral supervisor in Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics(BUAA). He was born in 1960. He graduated from the Mechanics Department of Peking University in 1982 and received his PhD in science from Peking University in 1995. He finished his post PhD study from BUAA in 1997, and was promoted to a professorship in 1999. Afterwards, he was invited to Denmark for cooperative research. During this period, Prof. Lu was invited to attend the IUTAM international conference on porous materials and the 1st China-Korea Composite Materials conference. At present, Prof. Lu is the director of solid mechanics institute of BUAA, standing director and vice secretary general of Chinese Society for Composite Materials, standing deputy editor of Acta Materiae Compositae Sinica and the assistant director of Composite Materials Professional Committee, the member of Composite Materials Professional Committee and Structure Design and Strength Specialized Committee of Chinese Society of Aeronautics. The major research fields of Prof. Lu include the design and optimization of stiffness and strength for novel composite materials, the damage analysis and reliability assessment for composite materials, the mechanical characterization for micro-nano materials. As a project leader, Prof. Lu has finished many research works, including five NSFC and ten of other fund projects, as well as more than 20 projects on aviation and aerospace engineering application during his work in BUAA. In the fields of mechanical characterization and numerical simulation for foam materials and composite materials, he has made some outstanding achievements. Prof. Lu has won the first prize of the National Defense Science and Technology Award, the third prize of the National Defense Science and Technology Progress Award and the second prize of NSAF. Furthermore, Prof. Lu won the UTC grants of ministry of education, the teaching achievement prizes of BUAA, the faculty adviser award for 50 years anniversary of the best paper and outstanding master's degree thesis of BUAA. Up to now, Prof. Lu has published more than 200 papers, and over 130 papers have been indexed by SCI, EI and ISTP.

The recent papers published in international journals include

[1] Lu Z X, Liu Q, Yang Z Y. Predictions of Young’s modulus and negative Poisson’s ratio of auxetic foams. Physica status solidi B, 2011, 248:167-174

[2] Lu Z X, Liu Q, Huang J X. Analysis of defects on the compressive behaviors of open-cell metal foams through models using the FEM. Mater Sci Eng A, 2011,dio:10.1016/j.msea.2011.09.088

[3] Lu Z X, Zhang C G, Liu Q, et al. Surface effects on the mechanical properties of nanoporous materials. J Phys D:Appl Phys. 44(2011)395404

[4] Chen W, Lu Z X, Pan B, et al. Uniaxial compressive cyclic loading process of a kind of bumper foams. Cellular polymers, 2011,30(5):227-248

[5] Chen W, Lu Z X, Pan B, et al. Nonlinear behavior of bumper foams under uniaxial compressive cyclic loading. Materials and Desigh, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.matdes.2011.09.042

[6] Guo J H, Lu Z X. Fracture behavior of two non-symmetrical collinear cracks emanating from an elliptical hole in a piezoelectric material. Front.Mech.Eng.2011,6(3):296-300.

[7] Guo J H, Lu Z X, Han H T, et al. Exact solutions for anti-plane problem of two asymmetrical edge cracks emanating from an elliptical hole in a piezoelectric material. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009,46(21):3799-3809

[8] Guo J H, Lu Z X, Han H T, et al. The behavior of two non-symmetrical permeable cracks emanating from an elliptical hole in a piezoelectric solid. Euro.J. Mech. A/Solids, 2010, 29: 654-663.

[9] Guo J H, Lu Z X. Anti-plane analysis of multiple cracks originating from a circular hole in a magnetoelectroelastic solid. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2010, 47: 1847-1856.

[10] Guo J H, Lu Z X, Feng X. The fracture behavior of multiple cracks emanating from a circular hole in piezoelectric materials. Acta Mechanica, 2010, 215: 119-134.

[11] Feng X, Lu Z X, Yang Z Y, et al. Analysis on the variances of material and structural properties based on random field theory. Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2010, 26(2): 222-230.

[12] Han H T, Lu Z X, Zhang Z. Solutions of beam-shaped-function for analysis of composite plates with embedded delaminations. Arch Appl Mech, 2011, doi:10.1007/s00419-011-0573-5

[13] Ma Y C, Han H T, Lu Z X, et al. Theoretical prediction of the stiffness and failure strength of stiched foamed-core sandwich composites. Polymer & Polymer Composites, 2011,19:303-311

[14] Yang Z Y, Lu Z X, Zhao Y P. Atomistic simulation on size-dependent yield strength and defects evolution of metal nanowires. Comput Mater Sci, 2009,46:142-150

[15] Yang Z Y, Lu Z X, Zhao Y P. Shape effects on the yield stress and deformation of silicon nanowires: A molecular dynamics simulation. J Appl Phys, 2009,106:023537

[16] Li D S, Lu Z X, Chen L, et al. Microstructure and mechanical properties of three-dimensional five-directional braided composites. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2009,46(18-19):3422-3432

[17] Li D S, Lu Z X, Fang D N. Longitudinal compressive behavior and failure mechanism of three-dimensional five-directional carbon/phenolic braided composites at high strain rates. Materials Science and Engineering, 2009, A526(1-2):134-139.

[18] Li D S, Lu Z X, Jiang N et al. High strain rate behavior and failure mechanism of three-dimensional five-directional carbon/phenolic braided composites under transverse compression. Composites:Part B, 2011,42:309-317. doi:10.1016/j.compositesb.2010.11.011

[19] Lu Z X, Huang J X, Chen X. Analysis and simulation of high strain compression of anisotropic open-cell eastic foams. Science China Technological Science, 2010, 53: 863-869.

[20] Guo J H, Lu Z X. Line field analysis and complex variable method for solving elastic-plastic fields around an anti-plane elliptic hole. SCIENCE CHINA(Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy), 2011, 54(8): 1495–1501

[21] Guo J H, Lu Z X. Exact solution of four cracks originating from an elliptical hole in one-dimensional hexagonal quasicrystals. Appl Math Comp, 2011,217:9397-9403

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