

报告通知--Flow Control Using Synthetic Jets

报告题目:Flow Control Using Synthetic Jets
报告人:Shan ZhongManchester UniversityUK
A synthetic jet actuator typically consists of a cavity with an orifice to which an oscillating diaphragm is attached. Due to periodic changes in the cavity volume caused by the oscillating diaphragm, the ambient fluid is inhaled into and subsequently ejected out of the cavity periodically, producing a train of vortical structures which propagate away from the orifice at their own self-induced velocity. These vortical structures are capable of entraining the ambient fluid into their cores, thereby providing an effective mechanism for transporting mass and momentum across a flow field. This coupled with their unique massless feature has made synthetic jet actuators attractive flow control devices for many engineering applications.
In this seminar, an overview of the research activities led by Dr Zhong at Manchester in the recent years examining the use of synthetic jets for flow separation delay, surface friction reduction, surface cooling and fluid mixing will be presented. These research activities place an emphasis on understanding the flow physics involved, and identifying the actuator operating conditions which yield a desired flow control effect with the minimum amount of energy consumption, where appropriate. The findings from these works would enable a more effective use of synthetic jets for flow control applications.
Dr Zhong is a Senior Lecturer at Department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Civil Engineering, Manchester University, UK. Her research at Manchester is mainly concerned with shear flows. She is particularly interested in studying the fundamental physical mechanics of complex fluid phenomenon using experimental methods. She has been active in the research areas of boundary-layer laminar to turbulent transition, flow control and fluid mixing.